Find us - buy online or at markets & shows.

Our Factory is located at 20 Innovation Road, Unit 3, Islington, Waterloo Business Park Christchurch.

Open 10am - 3pm Monday to Friday (note we are not always there, as we travel the country selling our amazing Rubs and Salts).

Look for us at speciality foods stores, butcheries and BBQ shops.

Riverside Market

Find us in: "The Pantry"

Situated in The Riverside Market,

96 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch CBD.

Open 7 days.

Lyttelton Farmers Market

Saturdays 10:00AM - 1:00PM

Wholesale and Distributor enquires:

Interested in finding out more about stocking Spicecraft products in your store or selling at shows and events?

Get in touch - lets make it happen.