Salads/sandwiches & in meat dishes
I sprinkle it over everything. I have it by the cooktop and on the table.
Rubbed it into a small lamb roast, went well, gave it another dimension.
Hubby likes to sprinkle on poached eggs
Very good quality, already had one for pepper so decided to use the same for salt too.
We use it everyday on our morning eggs
Just delicious
Everyone in our family loves it especially on toasted ciabatta with cream cheese & avocado.
On fries, steaks, chops, literally anything haha.
Multiple uses. As a seasoning during cooking or as a condiment when eating
On anything that requires a shot of pepper. Love it on meat, veges and especially on asparagus or beans
sprinkled into stir fry
Ive used this to season my meat and to sprinkle on my tomatoes. Love it so much!!